Monday, March 30, 2015

Weekly Events and Important Dates

Kindergarten Registration:  Kindergarten registration will be held on Tuesday, March 31 from 5-7 p.m. at Richardson.

If you have an incoming kindergartner, please bring the following documents with you to registration:

1.  Proof of Residency:  Original current gas, water, or electric bill (statement no more than 30 days old).  No copies will be accepted.  Bill must show resident's name.
2.  Proof of Age:  An official copy of a birth certificate or other official document with the following information:  child's legal name, birth date, and parent/parent's name
3.  Immunization Records
4.  Completed Enrollment Packet
5.  Custody Papers (if needed)

Election:  Please remember to vote on April 7.  Our district has two important issues on the ballot.  Voters will have the chance to vote for school board members and the no-tax increase bond issue.  Please see below for a link to the improvement projects.  

School improvement projects impacting each R-7 school are included in the April 7 no-tax-increase bond issue as well as construction of a new Summit Technology Academy / Missouri Innovation Campus.

Read-A-Thon:  All recording sheets and donations are due on March 30.  Thank you to all who participated in this fundraiser!

No School:  School will not be in session on Friday, April 3.  

Important Dates
4/6  Royals day at RHE...Wear Royals shirt or royal blue
4/7  Voting day...Please vote!
4/8  MAP testing window opens (please see grade level communication for testing days by grade level)